How to load MULTOS OS into a smart card ?

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  • #238
    August 7, 2020

    Hi There,

    I’m a newbie to the smart card world. Pardon me if my questions are so silly.

    1) How to load a MULTOS to an smart card/ secure element ? i.e ST33

    2) Is there any minimum hardware requirements set for a smart card to run MULTOS OS?

    3) Do you provide MULTOS kernel ?

    4) The idea : I want to bring up a smart card with Multos and write a Mifare read application on top of it. Please give me some direction

    Chris Torr
    August 7, 2020

    Hi. In answer to your questions…

    1,2 & 3) You buy the chip with the OS already loaded.

    4) Some MULTOS cards with contactless support already support MIFARE


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