The Open MULTOS standard is managed by a consortium of impressive stakeholders, consisting of successful global companies respected in their fields of secure payments, identity, IoT, information technology, and digital security. These members form the beating heart of the MULTOS eco-system and see fit to ensure the technology continues to meet and surpasses their needs for their respective businesses. Major organisations back MULTOS and are active in its evolution.

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Document NameDocument TypeSize
Device Authority: Chip to Cloud Security for the Internet of Things (IoT)PDF683kbDownload
Digiseq: Smart Wearables PDF3.13mbDownload
Entrust: EMV Issuance SolutionPDF2.35mbDownload
Eurosmartict: Protective Security for IoT PDF4.14mbDownload
Intelligent Homes: Smart Energy ManagementPDF1.81mbDownload
IoT Horizon: Smart Solutions for the FuturePDF852kbDownload
Multos International: A World of EMV ApplicationsPDF513kbDownload
Multos International: MULTOS and MULTOS step/onePDF584kbDownload
Trusted Renewables: Solar HarvestingPDF4.37mbDownload
Zwipe: Biometric InnovationPDF1mbDownload